Saturday, September 29, 2007

BWH Legislative and Court Appearances

Bruce W. Halstead, M.D.
Expert Witness


1964 An R & D program in natural products as they relate to international economic development and our national security. Presented to: President's Commission on Marine Science, Engineering, and Resources, Washington, D.C.

1969 Ocean resources and marine biomedicine. Presented to: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Oceanography of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Jerry L. Pettis, Washington, D.C.

1969 Recommendations to the President's Commission on Marine Science, Engineering, and Resources for the establishment of National Institute of Marine Medicine and Pharmacology. Presented to: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Oceanography of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Alton Lennon, Washington, D.C.

1970 Use of marine biodynamic substances. Presented to: Republican Task Force on Earth Resources and Population, U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman George Bush, Washington, D.C.

1975 Speaker - "Marine Pollution." Governor E. Brown and California State Legislature with Jacques Cousteau, Sacramento, California.

1975 United States of America vs. Military Supply Agency. Re: Smuggling art carvings out of Rhodesia, Federal Grand Jury, Los Angeles, California.

1975 States Postal Department vs. Posten. Re: Mail fraud in the use of Siberian ginseng, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Administrative Law Proceedings, Los Angeles, California.

1975 Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners vs. Evers. Re: Use of chelation therapy, Board of Medical Examiners, New Orleans, Louisiana.

1975 Royal Commissions into Exploratory and Production Drilling for Petroleum in the Area of the Great Barrier Reef vs. Great Barrier Reef Committee. Re: Marine Pollution, Brisbane, Australia.

1976 United States Food and Drug Administration vs. Evers. Re: Use of chelation therapy, U.S. Federal Court, New Orleans Louisiana.

1976 Scientific Board and Advisory Panel on Internal Medicine of the California Medical Association vs American Academy of Medical Preventics. Re: Scientific basis of chelation therapy, Hearing of the Board of the California Medical Association, Los Angeles, California.

1976 Phillips vs Alsleben. Re: Use of chelation therapy, Superior Court, Santa Ana, California.

1977 California Board of Medical Quality Assurance vs Hackethal. Re: Medical incompetence, Superior Court, San Bernardino, California.

1977 Speaker - "Amygdalin and Laetrile." California State Senate Committee on Health and Welfare (Senate Bill 245), Sacramento, California.

1977 United States of America vs Bradford, et al. Re: Conspiracy to smuggle Laetrile, U.S. Federal Court, San Diego, California.

1977 Banning of Laetrile from interstate commerce by FDA. Presented to: Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, Committee on Human Resources, U.S. Senate, Senator Ted Kennedy, Washington, D.C.

1977 U.S. Food and Drug Administration vs. Evers. Re: Use of Laetrile, U.S. Federal Court, Atlanta, Georgia.

1977 Glen L. Rutherford vs. United States of America. Re: Use of Laetrile, U.S. Federal Court, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

1978 Scott vs. McDonald. Re: Use of Laetrile, Superior Court, Atlanta, Georgia.

1978 Speaker - "Laetrile and Freedom of Choice." Idaho State Legislature Health Committee, Boise, Idaho.

1978 Speaker - "Laetrile and Freedom of Choice." Massachusetts State Legislature Health Committee, Boston, Massachusetts.

1978 Bolinger vs Medicare. Re: Payment for the treatment of atherosclerosis in chelation therapy, Riverside, California.

1978 Sanchez vs Roston. Re: Medical malpractice, Superior Court, Santa Ana, California.

1978 New York, Saratoga County Department of Social Services vs John Fofbaeur, et al. Re: Use of Laetrile, Superior Court, Saratoga Springs, New York.

1979 People vs Couture. Re: Use of oxygen colonics, Superior Court, Santa Ana, California.

1979 Speaker - "Amygdalin and Laetrile." California State Senate Committee on Health and Welfare (Senate Bill 1101), Senator W. Campbell, Sacramento, California.

1979 People of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs Gerald and Diane Green. Re: Custody of a minor and the use of metabolic therapy (Laetrile), Superior Court, Plymouth, Massachusetts.

1979 Speaker - "Freedom of Choice in Alternate Forms of Medical Care." California State Assembly Health Committee, Huntington Beach, California.

1979 United States of America vs Food Science Laboratories Inc. Re: Vitamin B15, U.S. Federal Court, Chicago, Illinois.

1980 United States Securities Exchange Commission vs Bioptics. Re: Operations of the Bioptics Corporation, Los Angeles, California.

1980 State of California vs Athena Products, Ltd. Re: Misbranding of labels on vitamin-mineral nutrients, Superior Court, Los Angeles, California.

1980 R.W. Bradford, Committee for Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy, American Biologics, M.L. Culbert, and Bruce W. Halstead, M.D. for His Cancer Patients vs National Cancer Institute, Mayo Clinic, United States Department of Health Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, United States Food and Drug Administration, and the United States of America. Re: Injunction to stop the testing of amygdalin in the treatment of cancer on human beings, U.S. Federal Court, San Diego, California.

1980 Conservatorship of the Estate and Person of Ariya Dahmma Thera, Superior Court, Indio, California.

1980 Glen L. Rutherford, et al vs United States of America, et al (United States Food and Drug Administration, United States Customs). Re: The legality of Laetrile, U.S. Federal Court, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

1981 United States Postal Service vs Dunmore Corporation. Re: Human requirements for zinc, Administrative Law Proceedings, Washington, D.C.

1981 United States Postal Service vs Athena Products, Ltd. Re: Misbranding of labels on vitamin-mineral nutrients, Administrative Law Proceedings, Atlanta, Georgia.

1981 Michaelis et al vs Califano, et al. Re: Unconstitutional search and seizure, Superior Court, Columbus, Ohio.

1981 Williams vs Donato. Re: Vitamin A poisoning, Superior Court, Whittier, California.

1981 Hammons vs Harper. Re: Cancer therapy, Superior Court, Los Angeles, California.

1981 Eastwood vs Lincoln National Life Insurance Company. Re: Payment for the treatment of cancer with Laetrile, Superior Court, San Francisco, California.

1981 Reagan vs United States of America. Re: Metallic poisoning, U.S. Federal District Court, Las Vegas, Nevada.

1981 Smith vs Ann Bhuket, M.D. Re: Chelation therapy, Superior Court, Dallas, Texas.

1982 Fitzpatrick vs Frent, D.O. Re: Chelation therapy and Wilson's Disease, Superior Court, Detroit, Michigan.

1982 French vs California Goat Dairymen's Association, et al. Re: Lead poisoning from goat's milk, Superior Court, Riverside, California.

1982 Sullivan, et al vs Henry, et al. Re: Laetrile toxicity, U.S. Federal District Court, Atlanta, Georgia.

1982 Board of Medical Quality Assurance of the State of Californiavs John C. Luly, D.C. Re: Colon therapy, Superior Court,San Diego, California. (Consultant Only).

1983 Bresee vs Harper, M.D. Re: Cancer therapy, Superior Court, Los Angeles, California.

1983 Furnire vs Hamdan, M.D. Re: Cirrhosis of the liver resulting from hypervitaminosis A, Superior Court, Princeton, New Jersey.

1983 People of the State of California vs World Institute of Health, et al. Re: Efficacy of Gerovital (GH3), California State Hearing Before Attorney General's Office, San Diego, California.

1983 Phillip E. Hoke vs Life Insurance Company of America, et al. Re: Fish poisoning, Superior Court, Santa Barbara, California.

1983 U.S. Postal Service vs Nutritional research. Re: Glucomannan nutritional product, Superior Court, Newport Beach, California.

1984 State of Idaho vs Cyrus E. Maxfield. Re: Colon therapy, Superior Court, Boise, Idaho.

1985 Elmore vs Word, et al. Re: Medical malpractice, Columbia, South Carolina.

1985 Federal Trade Commission vs Arthur Furman, M.D. Re: Use of hair analysis in diagnosis of disease, U.S. Federal Court, Washington, D.C.

1985 Silva vs Bluepoint, et al. Re: Paralytic shellfish poisoning, Superior Court, San Francisco, California.

1989 Ruffalo vs Medical Board. Re: Use of Chelation Therapy, Fair Hearing Medical Board, New York, New York.

1989 Cavigliano vs Teledyne Aeronautics. Re: PCB poisoning, Superior Court, San Diego, California.

1989 Boling vs The Sunrider Corporation. Re: Review of constituents contained in herbal preparations, Arizona.

1989 Vopel vs Vons Grocery Co. Re: Poisoning by ENDRIN contaminated sugar, Superior Court, El Cahon, California.

1990 Fox vs Montalbano. Re: Recurring exposure of spouse to AIDS virus due to delay in testing husband for blood transfusion related AIDS, San Diego, California.

1990 Tomarchio vs Pueblo International. Re: Ciguatera poisoning from injesting shark meat, Superior Court, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

1990 Vickie Blake vs General Electric. Re: LEXAN intoxication, Federal Court, Pheonix City, Alabama.

1990 Kisiel vs Mark's Fish and Pets. Re: Lionfish sting, Superior Court, Burbank, California.

1990 Tessa Cason vs The Bren Company. Re: Natural Gas Poisoning, Superior Court, San Diego, California.

1991 Bertha O. Gonzales vs Denny's Restaurant. Re: Shellfish intoxication, Superior Court, Ventura, California. (Case dismissed out of court).

1991 Reed vs. Bank of Hemet. Re: Toxicological evaluation of Joedna Reed, Superior Court, Los Angeles, California.

1996 Workmen’s Comp. vs. Lola Biro. Re: Chlorine Poisoning, Superior Court, Santa Ana, California.

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